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  • Does it hurt?
    I can help you!

    Sports medicine - individual training
    posture correction
    movement therapy
    physical therapy

    Does it hurt? I can help you!

    If you are suffering from chronic pain or your life has been put on hold by restricting your activities and movement for years, if you often feel that your body is failing you, that your posture is not correct, if you are reading this and thinking: “It’s me!” - don’t despair!
    I can change that!

    My name is Dariusz Prusik and I am a specialist who can help you ease pain and discomfort

    I founded the Optimove studio to help people like you - those suffering from chronic pain, restricted movement, postural faults, but also those who want to perform better in various sports.

    Training with us will help you:


    DNS / PRI

    Our training and movement therapy is based on DNS and PRI methods, and weare the only physical therapy in Bydgoszcz that uses this combination.

    Allow us to precisely locate the source of your problems, diagnose blockages and limitations that cause pain, postural inadequacies or restrained movements.

    we will work together to strengthen your body, improve your daily comfort and/or eliminate the pain that has been restricting you for years.

    If you are in pain, something definitely needs to be done about it.
    Describe the problem and I will tell you how I can help.

    Request an appointment


    What do my patients
    think of my work?

    Read testimonials and success stories
    my patients have shared with me.

    See more testimonials

    Darek Prusik jest świetnym Trenerem godnym polecenia. Jego profesjonalne podejście, ogromna wiedza merytoryczna, często nieszablonowe metody i bardzo duże zaangażowanie na treningu sprawiły, że w ciągu dwóch miesięcy pozbyłam się uciążliwego bólu kręgosłupa, z którym zmagałam się od wielu miesięcy. Na pierwszym spotkaniu, po przeprowadzeniu szczegółowej diagnostyki, Darek wskazał przyczynę bólu m.in brak oddechu przeponą, i dokładnie wyjaśnił, na czym będzie polegać terapia.

    Anna T.

    Trafiłem do Darka z bólem pleców w odcinku lędźwiowym, piersiowym oraz szyjnym po diagnozie zaczęliśmy trening pracy na funkcji przepony , później zaczęliśmy wzmacnianie wzorców ćwiczeniami. Po 5 spotkaniu został tylko ból w odcinku szyjnym , skończyliśmy na 10 spotkaniu gdy wszystko ustąpiło. Jestem bardzo zadowolony z naszych treningów/konsultacji, zwłaszcza z efektów dlatego z całą pewnością polecam.

    Sebastian Ł.

    Ogromna wiedza i empatia dla podopiecznych to jest to co wyróżnia studio Optimove. W przyjaznej atmosferze we własnym tempie pozbywasz się bólu, dyskomfortu, niepoprawnych wzorców ruchowych. Przyszłam poskręcana bólem kręgosłupa, biodra, łopatki, a po 3 miesiącach ćwiczeń jestem w formie, jakiej nie miałam od lat. Polecam z całego serca!

    Anna G.

    Ogrom wiedzy, przyjazna atmosfera, indywidualne podejście i efekty widoczne już po kilku spotkaniach, tak można podsumować studio treningowe Optimove. Darek jest profesjonalistą, który stosując odpowiednio dobrane metody potrafi poradzić sobie z problemami podopiecznych takimi, jak: bóle, ograniczenia ruchowe, nieprawidłowy oddech czy skrzywienia kręgosłupa. Gdyby tylko ktoś mi wcześniej powiedział, że po kilku tygodniach treningów pozbędę się bólu kręgosłupa trafiłbym tu o wiele wcześniej.

    Tomasz B.

    Przez ostatnie 5 miesięcy, miałam okazję brać udział w treningach z optimove. Prowadzący wykazali się ogromem wiedzy i bardzo mi pomogli. Trafiłam tam z dużymi problemami stabilizacyjnym, często się wywracałam, co kończyło się coraz większymi kontuzjami. Na nowo poznałam tam własne ciało i sposoby na pracę z nim. Jestem bardzo wdzięczna i z całego serca polecam każdemu!

    Julia M.


    02. We teach you to read your body instead of prescribing counterproductive strenuous training.

    Overcoming mobility limitations is not about “fighting with” muscles and joints, but improving their performance in the most natural way.

    04. We always stress the importance of training to live – not living to train

    The goal is your fitness and wellbeing and not mindless and careless performance of the exercises prescribed,

    01. We can precisely locate the source of your ailments

    The first breath, first steps, emotions, passions, ways of learning – these all affect us and may be a source of potential problems with our body. As a highly-trained specialist, I can identify the causes of your problems and fix the faults.

    03. We always provide
    expert advice

    The body is not a “bag” of muscles and bones, so regaining fitness involves more than just
    doing specific exercises. It means adopting the right attitude, understanding what's going on,
    eating well and... breathing, so you can expect much more from me than just a prescription of 10 more repetitions before letting you go home.

    05. Individual

    There is a root cause of everything, and there are methods that suit best if you want to solve your problems and achieve your goals - I will find them for you and you will see results as well as improvement.


    01. We can precisely locate the source of your ailments

    The first breath, first steps, emotions, passions, ways of learning – these all affect us and may be a source of potential problems with our body. As a highly-trained specialist, I can identify the causes of your problems and fix the faults.

    02. We teach you to read your body instead of prescribing counterproductive strenuous training.

    Overcoming mobility limitations is not about “fighting with” muscles and joints, but improving their performance in the most natural way.

    03. We always provide
    expert advice

    The body is not a “bag” of muscles and bones, so regaining fitness involves more than just
    doing specific exercises. It means adopting the right attitude, understanding what's going on,
    eating well and... breathing, so you can expect much more from me than just a prescription of 10 more repetitions before letting you go home.

    04. We always stress the importance of training to live – not living to train

    The goal is your fitness and wellbeing and not mindless and careless performance of the exercises prescribed,

    05. Individual

    There is a root cause of everything, and there are methods that suit best if you want to solve your problems and achieve your goals - I will find them for you and you will see results as well as improvement.

    I helped others

    See the results our patients have achieved with the DNS and PRI methods